The finish position. Your weight is completely on the outside of your left heel.
As your right shoulder continues to turn through the ball it will naturally bring your head up to the finish position. Your stomach is directly at your target.
Your head should be behind your stomach: however you do not want to arch your back.
Your hands should finish at eye level.
You fold the club over the outside bone of your left shoulder - this is opposite position 2.
Your right shoulder should be slightly lower than your left.
Both arms should be the same distance apart as they were in the setup. Make sure your elbows do not separate in the finish.
Your head is still behind your stomach, you do not want your head out in front of your stomach or way behind due to arching your back.
The finish position is critical – all actions have a reaction – the easiest position to make sure that it is correct is the finish. If you are not in the correct position after you have hit the ball, then put yourself in the correct position to feel what is correct and what is incorrect. Perfection the finish position will help all the other positions to be better.