You drop the club into position 3 by starting to uncoil your hips and starting to shift your weight back to your left foot. The key is uncoiling or turning your left hip and shifting your weight at the same time, this action will automatically drop the club into the proper position.
Your weight is now 50 – 50 on the inside of your right foot and your left foot.
Your head is still positioned behind the ball. You will notice that the line drawn on the screen shows that the spine angle goes right down your left leg.
Your wrists should remain cocked – angling the shaft up towards the sky – this is often referred to as lag – the more lag you have in your swing, the farther you will be able to hit the golf ball.
Your right elbow tucks into your right side.
The key here is that the wrists remain cocked so the butt is pointing directly to the ball or directly behind the ball on your target line.
You will notice that shat of the club, your left arm and the club head are all in line – keeping everything on plane.