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6-Points of the Golf Swing
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Position 5
Position 6
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What is muscle memory?
Muscle memory is the key to a repetitive golf swing.
Why do golfers slice the ball?
A slice is the most common problem in golf.
Why do golfers top the ball?
Topping the ball is a problem for new golfers.
Position 5
This is the post impact position. This is the mirror of position 2. The club should be parallel to the ground and parallel to your feet.
Both arms should be extended toward your target. And your right shoulder rotates under your chin. This is opposite position 1.
All your weight should be off your right foot and on the outside of your left heel – curling your left toes off the ground.
Your head should still be positioned behind where the ball was.
The club head should not be pointed straight up at the sky 12 o’clock, it should be slightly closed 11 o’clock.
Your hips and shoulders have rotated all the way through the ball – your stomach should be pointed to your target.
Your head is still behind the ball.
The spine angle still remains the same.
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