| | | 6-Points of the Golf Swing- Do the 6-points of the golf swing in slow motion, pausing in each position to make sure you are in the correct position – if not correct the position so you can feel what is correct and what5 is not. You are training muscle memory. The idea is to get the feel for what is correct and understand when it is wrong. This understanding will help you when you are golfing to be able to correct your swing when things are not going well.
- The 6-points of the golf swing should become your dictionary to your golf swing. They not only help train muscle memory, they will become a reference point for you to be able to correct your swing when things are going wrong. Always refer back to them so your muscles can understand what is correct and what is wrong.
- The study of the martial arts is what the 6-points of the golf are based on. You train in slow motion to perfect motor motion. Martial artists are the best in the world at perfecting repetitive motor motion, so the answer is simple – you train in slow motion to be able to execute at real speed. The execution has to happen without thinking or in your subconscious mind. Training is where you are thinking, in your conscious mind. It is critical to be able to execute the golf swing in your subconscious mind – if you are thinking when you are hitting, you will fail.
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